Swedish Dishcloths – Our Complete Guide

For the last couple of years I’ve been using Swedish dishcloths as an alternative to the blue plastic cloths that are traditionally found in Australian Homes. And I’m never going back! If you’ve yet to discover Swedish dishcloths, here’s a complete guide to get you started:

What are Swedish Dishcloths

These eco-friendly wonders have been taking the cleaning world by storm, and for a good reason! Swedish dishcloths are a fabulous alternative to traditional sponges and paper towels, made from a blend of cellulose and cotton, making them super absorbent and fast-drying. They’re versatile enough to handle all sorts of kitchen messes, from wiping countertops to scrubbing dishes, and the best part is, they’re reusable! Just toss them in the washing machine or the top rack of your dishwasher, and they’re ready to go for round after round of clean-up duty.

Swedish Dishcloths make a great alternative to the plastic kitchen cloths that are sold by Woolies and Coles. Swedish Dishcloths are not made from plastic and are biodegradable.

Where Did They Come From?

Swedish Dishcloths were invented in Sweden in 1949 by an engineer named Curt Lindquist and his clever wife, Agnes. Combining their knowledge of materials and a keen eye for problem-solving, they developed this eco-friendly cleaning marvel as an alternative to traditional sponges and paper towels. The blend of cellulose and cotton they used resulted in a highly absorbent, durable, and quick-drying cloth. As their popularity grew, Swedish dishcloths began to spread across Scandinavia and eventually made their way to the rest of the world.

Why Swedish Dishcloths are a Better Option

I think Swedish Dishcloths make a much better alternative to the blue plastic cloths, plastic sponges and heavy fabric cloths that are mainly used in Australian kitchens. Here’s why:

  1. Eco-friendly: Made from sustainable materials like cellulose and cotton, Swedish dishcloths reduce waste by replacing single-use paper towels and non-biodegradable sponges.
  2. Highly absorbent: These dishcloths can soak up to 20 times their weight in water, making them perfect for tackling spills and messes.
  3. Fast-drying: Their unique composition allows Swedish dishcloths to dry quickly, reducing the risk of bacterial growth and unpleasant odors.
  4. Reusable and durable: You can wash and reuse Swedish dishcloths multiple times, either in the washing machine or dishwasher, making them a cost-effective option in the long run.
  5. Versatile: They’re great for a variety of tasks, from wiping countertops and cleaning appliances to scrubbing dishes and glassware.
  6. Stylish designs: Swedish dishcloths come in an array of eye-catching patterns and colors, adding a touch of charm to your kitchen.
  7. Compostable: Once they’ve reached the end of their life, most Swedish dishcloths can be composted, further reducing their environmental impact.

Where to Buy Swedish Dishcloths in Australia


I get my Swedish dishcloths from Amazon. They come in a huge range of colours and are cheaper than most other places. I’ve found these ones tend to last a long time.


The ZeroCo Swedish Dish Cloths come three packs and feature a cute shrimp design. You can also Subscribe on ZeroCo to get them automatically delivered every few months.

Woolworths & Coles

You can get Wettex branded Dishcloths at Woolworths and Coles. These are the same as Swedish Dishcloths.

How to Use Swedish Dishcloths

Swedish Dishcloths are flat and hard but will quickly soften when run under water. You can use them dry to mop up spills similar to how would use paper towel. They can simply be rinsed clean after use. They are great to use with cleaners like Koh for wiping down surfaces and they are also perfect for use when washing up.

The best thing about Swedish dish cloths is they tend to dry out completely between uses. This makes it harder for bacteria to grow and they’ll be less smelly than fabric cloths.

How to Wash Swedish Dishcloths

There are two ways to wash Swedish dishcloths. I tend to wash them about once a week or whenever they are looking a little dirty.

  • Dishwasher – The best way to wash Swedish dishcloths is by putting them in the top shelf of the dishwasher. They come out sparkling clean and will look brand new.
  • Washing Machine – Swedish Dishcloths can be washed in the washing machine but I’ve found they don’t last as long.

When to Throw Away Swedish Dishcloths

Because Swedish Dishcloths can be washed over and over again, they will remain hygienic and fresh. You really only need to throw them away once they start to fall apart.

How Many Times Can You Reuse Swedish Dishcloths

Swedish dishcloths are quite durable, and you can typically reuse them for several months, depending on how well they’re cared for and the frequency of use. On average, a good-quality Swedish dishcloth can last anywhere from 50 to 100 washes or even more. However, their lifespan may vary based on factors such as the specific brand, the cleaning tasks they’re used for, and how often they’re washed.

To get the most out of your Swedish dishcloths, be sure to rinse them thoroughly after each use, allow them to air dry, and wash them regularly in the washing machine or dishwasher. When they start showing signs of wear and tear or become less effective, it’s time to replace them. And don’t forget, most Swedish dishcloths are compostable, so you can dispose of them in an environmentally friendly way when their time is up!

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