The Best Pet Hair Remover: 2023 Guide

Tired of battling persistent pet hair on your furniture, clothing, and carpets? Look no further, as I’ve compiled a list of top-rated, effective pet hair removers that will help you keep your home and clothes fur-free and your sanity intact.

The Best Pet Hair Removers

I tested out 4 different types of Pet Hair Removers to see what works best. These are the best pet hair removers that are currently available in Australia:

PacPak Pet Hair Remover – Best Overall

PacPak Pet Hair Remover

The PacPak Pet Hair Remover is the tool I use at home to get pet hair off of fabric surfaces. If you’re looking to remove pet hair from a couch, bed etc this works really well. One tip I have for using this type of pet hair remover is you need to go back and forth over the same area a few times with quite a fast motion.

The PacPak Pet Hair Remover traps the pet hair in a little container and it’s amazing just how much it picks up.

I’ve found this style of pet hair remover works best on flat surfaces like a bed or couch. For smaller areas it can be a little trickier to use. It won’t work well on clothes, but for getting pet hair off a bed or couch I’ve found it’s the best option. It won’t damage any fabric and does remove most of the pet hair.

PetLovers Pet Hair Remover

PetLovers Pet Hair Remover

The PetLovers Pet Hair Remover is best suited for carpets, low pile fabric and pet furniture. I’ve found it works great on my cat tree and removes most of the pet hair.

I would be cautious using this type of pet hair remover around stitching as there is a chance it could catch on loose threads.

This style of Pet Hair Remover is also really cheap and due to the simple design they should last a long time.

PetLovers Lint Remover – Best for Clothes

PetLovers Adhesive Pet Hair Remover

The best type of pet hair remover for clothes is an adhesive remover. The PetLovers Lint Remover is a sticky adhesive roll. Unlike other types of lint removers, this is safe to use on more delicate fabrics and it won’t damage your clothes. It also works really well on odd shaped surfaces so you can easily remove all the pet hair in just one swipe.

The only downside of this type of pet hair remover is you will need to keep buying the sticky pads. This type of roller will also remove lint from clothes, but it won’t remove fabric balls. It’s best to use a fabric shaver for those.

Pet Hair Remover for Washing Machines

If you’re sick of your laundry coming out of the wash covered in Pet Hair you can buy special products that will help remove pet hair in the washing machine.

FurZapper Pet Hair Remover

FurZapper Pet Hair Remover for Washing Machines

The FurZapper gets thrown in with your washing and the idea is the pet hair will stick to it. It has a slightly tacky surface which attracts the pet hair and all you need to do is wash it clean between uses to reactivate the FurZapper.

I tried it out and found it did an ok job of removing pet hair in the wash. It won’t remove all pet hair but I still think it’s worth using.

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